Reason #58: LDS Leaders’ Linguistic Abilities

  After finishing graduate work in linguistics and education at BYU in 1976, I found professional work in the translation department of LDS Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.  Even though I thought I already knew a lot about language from my study of...

Interview on Examiner

The Examiner recently interviewed me with the following questions: Q-How did you get started writing?A-Writing begins, I think, with the art of noticing. One of my earliest memories is this:I am standing at the end of a peach orchard in Farmington, New Mexico, in...

Ezekiel Study Continues

This is a continuation of the study, “Ezekiel: Creation of a Man as a Symbol.”If you'd like to “catch up,” scroll down to where the study begins several weeks ago on the blog. Second Movement: the Recumbent Sin BearerIn this symbol, Ezekiel is...

Next to the last post on Ezekiel

Our study of Ezekiel draws to the end with this set of generalizations about the role of Ezekiel as a symbol. Tenth Symbol: The Quaking EaterAlso in chapter 12 is another symbol to demonstrate in the person of Ezekiel a further manifestation of the coming horrors....

Reason #66: LDS Historical Revisionism

The LDS Church announced recently the appointment of Joseph Sitati as the first black AFRICAN LDS general authority. Previously there was a black American who was a GA; and if LDS historical accounts are accurate, a previous black leader, Elijah Able, in the time of...