On Trances and Ecstasies: Thanks for Nothing, Bernini

One of the objections I received from a couple of people who read the pre-publication manuscript of A Conspiracy of Breath (and praised it otherwise) had to do with the way I portrayed Priscilla receiving revelation. In her first contact with the Holy Spirit, He...

Reason #2: Egyptology

In my book, Why We Left Mormonism, I explored with other ex-Mormons the “point of departure” that led us to leave that church. For each of us, a different device (radio program, passing remark, and in one case, a forgotten pamphlet discovered in a pocket)...

Why We Left Mormonism / Ex-Momons: Why We Left

Latayne Colvett Scott has made an important and innovative contribution with Ex-Mormons: Why We Left . . . Numerous flashes of insight reveal Mormons as flesh-and-blood humans — not the cardboard-cutout cultists who exist in the minds of many Christians. The...

Why We Left Mormonism / Ex-Mormons: Why We Left

Latayne Colvett Scott has made an important and innovative contribution with Ex-Mormons: Why We Left . . . Numerous flashes of insight reveal Mormons as flesh-and-blood humans — not the cardboard-cutout cultists who exist in the minds of many Christians. The book...