Reason #170: Guest Blogger on “Conditional Relationships”

By way of introduction, I don't really like labels but labeling myself for you is going to be the easiest way to give you a quick background.  I am a born-in-the-covenant, divorced, gay, post-Mormon, father of 4. My ex-wife continues to raise our children in the...

Cult Fiction

Cult Fiction How a Library Helped Save Me The Ernie Pyle Memorial Library Albuquerque, New Mexico A recently- discovered portrait of the famous WWII journalist Ernie Pyle is his last:  a photograph taken just moments after his death.  The body that housed all those...

Incite Blog

The Seventeen Steps to Getting a Christian Book Published Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash I don't do much author mentoring, because I have learned a painful truth: The vast majority of people who say they want to write a book for publication are not willing to...


Archive Letter from reader Jolene Barrios 365 Reasons Why I (And Others) Won't Return To MormonismEven though The Mormon Mirage was re-released two years ago, I get encouraging letters from readers often. Here's a recent one: Hi.  I just finished reading your book,...

One Call. You.

You can make an enormous difference about Coronavirus with one phone call. You’ve been stocking up on non-perishable food, paper products, and disinfecting supplies? Good for you. Biblical. Wise. Look at this chart and read this article and see where your risk factor...