Ezekiel –Fourth Movement

The Ezekiel study continues here. If you are viewing this blog for the first time, this is the continuation of a series. By scrolling down, you can find the beginning of it. Fourth Movement: the Apportioner of PunishmentIn this last specific symbol, Ezekiel is asked...

Another Ezekiel Symbol

We are nearing the end of this study of Ezekiel. I pray it has been “inciteful” to you. Ninth Symbol: The Luggage of ExileIn this symbol in chapter 12, we see that the people are completely blinded to their own present condition, so Ezekiel is compelled to...

Reason #108: Mormonism often Leads to Agnosticism or Atheism

A recent Pew Forum study confirmed something I have suspected as I look at Internet activity (blogs, message boards, etc.) of ex-Mormons. “Of those who leave Mormonism after being raised in the faith, half (15% of those raised Mormon overall) convert to a new...

Reason #137: The Nahom Controversy

Some LDs writers have said that a settlement in southern Arabia named NHM is the Nahom of the Book of Mormon. In Hebrew (and I'm just a student, not an expert), vowels are not written out in most cases. Thus NHM, whose root means “mourning” could be Naham...

Reason #142– One Eternal Roundabout God

A Confusing Deity Everything about the Mormon godhead is a confused mess if you accept all the supposedly-inspired teachings of LDS leaders. Brigham Young said that God was Adam.[i] Adam, according to LDS theology, was Michael in the pre-existence.[ii] Michael was the...