Reason #163: Because of the Joseph Smith Papers

Did you know that all of the published images (and transcripts) of the writings of Joseph Smith are now online in a searchable form? See what LDS scholars have access to — and know why so many of them study Mormonism's history — but no longer believe its...

The Developing Dangerous Situation: A Lesson from Dr. Mike Strawn

The Developing Dangerous Situation Recently I received my first copy of a monthly bulletin from the GBS-CIDP organization. It provides support for those who suffer from Guillain Barre Syndrome (in all its variants) and its ongoing sister-disease, Chronic Inflammatory...

Lenten Thoughts

During this time of contemplating the sufferings of Christ during His last days, let us turn our attention once again to the touchpoint it provides for us, two thousand years later, as we partake of the emblems of His death.Then some began to spit at him; they...

Writing Acronyms

Writers have their own set of abbreviations (especially in this age of Twitter — find me there under “Latayne.”) The power of language!  Ever since I first heard “BIC” (Butt In Chair), it has reminded me that manuscripts don't get written...

Reason #62: LDS Members Believe God the Father Was Once a Sinner

I ran across this video and it blew my mind. Portions of it were filmed at the April 2009 General Conference of the LDS Church. from Aaron Shafovaloff on Vimeo.   For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition:  A Former...