Recommendations for Marketing Your Book to a Publisher or Agent

  Recommendations for Marketing Your Book I sincerely believe that, for a Christian writer, God should “run” the publishing process Nonetheless, I understand that people want and need direction in getting started. The following recommendations are for...

Ezekiel study continued

Today's entry is a continuation of the Ezekiel study. It will deal in upcoming entries with detailed generalizations from each of the symbols in it. May it bless you.Some observations about Ezekiel himself It is assumed that he was not of the poorer classes since...

The Voyeur of Idolatry — Ezekiel Study Continues

Eighth Symbol: The Voyeur of IdolatryIn this symbol it's tempting to look at the events and implications of the prophecy and not focus on Ezekiel as a symbol, which is the point of this study; thus to keep on track we will try to confine ourselves to those things in...

Reason #205: “Mormonism Rejects Imputed Righteousness”

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash Mormonism Rejects Imputed Righteousness by Michael Flournoy I was a Mormon apologist. I wrote a book entitled, “A Biblical Defense of Mormonism”, and most of my time was spent debating Christians in online forums. I...

The Roots of Creativity, Seen Through a Three-Inch Frame

A fellow author's challenge,  to write what you can see through a one-inch frame about your childhood, led me to a photograph of myself. It’s an old Brownie camera photo, about three inches by three inches, but it’s a good, tight frame. And it’s filled with...