Reason #11: from Janis Hutchinson

Janis Hutchinson was a Mormon for 34 years, during which time she served two local missions. She is the author of Out of the Cults and Into the Church and The Mormon Missionaries — two excellent books and an informative Web site: Janis...

Reason #60: The Nature of LDS Truth

  Since leaving the Church, I have been puzzled that my many Mormon friends have not shown interest in engaging with me over the reasons for my disaffection.  Arguing such points does not interest them nor me, but the elephant in the room is hard to...

Book review

Since I'm keeping the “Cult Fiction” blog just for novels, I'd like to post an occasional review of non-fiction here on the Incite Blog.I recently had the privilege of reviewing Breaking the Mormon Code: A Critique of Mormon Scholarship Regarding Classical...

The Mormon Mirage (1979, 1984 editions)

A compelling book”with a sensitive and realistic eye.  — (Rocky Mountain Christian) This one's must-reading for anyone with a heart for reaching into the Mormon Church with the Gospel of Christ –(WBRG radio, Lynchburg, VA) It will help the average...

The Mormon Mirage (1979, 1984 editions)

A compelling book”with a sensitive and realistic eye. — (Rocky Mountain Christian) This one’s must-reading for anyone with a heart for reaching into the Mormon Church with the Gospel of Christ –(WBRG radio, Lynchburg, VA) It will help the average Christian understand...