About Those Pink Hats– A Christian Woman’s Reaction

After I saw all those pink hats, and found out what they meant, I did what I never thought I'd do. I decided– and announced publicly– that I was going to start wearing a head covering while praying or speaking publicly at church. From most ancient of...

Further Ezekiel Study Materials

Third Movement: the Diet of SiegeGod does not require that Ezekiel remain recumbent 24 hours a day; but provides for him to eat but even that act is symbolic. God first told Ezekiel to make a mixture of grains and store them in a jar and to daily make a scanty meal...

Ezekiel Study Part 3

(Scroll down for parts one and two.)The Role of the SpiritWith all the kinetic activity and arresting images of the first three chapters of the book, it is easy to overlook the activity of the Holy Spirit. The first thing Ezekiel saw was a wind storm coming out of the...

Reason #135: Two questions for Temple-Endowed Mormons

In the LDS temple endowment ceremony, there are two issues that a faithful Mormon must deal with. First, why is the order of creation unlike that depicted in LDS Standard Works?  In the temple, the creation of plants comes BEFORE light and darkness.* Secondly,...

Reason #110: Oahspe

While Mormons may claim that the Book of Mormon is unique, consider the case of a book called Oahspe: A New Bible. This very long book (twice as long as the Book of Mormon) was written by a single individual in a year's time. According to ex-Mormon Richard Packham,...