While Mormons may claim that the Book of Mormon is unique, consider the case of a book called Oahspe: A New Bible.
This very long book (twice as long as the Book of Mormon) was written by a single individual in a year's time.
According to ex-Mormon Richard Packham, this book was:
. . .written miraculously by an angel using the hands and typewriter of a devout dentist named John Newbrough (1828-1891). He claimed that an angel had appeared to him and told him that he had been chosen to bring forth a new scripture. He was to spend the next few years as a period of testing and probation. At the end of the probationary period, the angel told him to buy a typewriter (at that time a fairly new invention) and a quantity of paper. Newbrough objected that he did not know how to use such a machine. The angel told him that he need not worry. Every morning for a year, Newbrough arose, put paper in the machine, and placed his hands on the keys. For an hour each morning his hands typed, and after one year the book (“Oahspe”) was finished. (Newbrough never did learn to type himself, without divine help.)
Take a look at the Wikipedia entry about this book. It has lots of links for it, including a download of the entire book which is in the public domain. Packham also has online a detailed list of others with similar claims and ties to Mormonism.
For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today(Zondervan, 2009). Also available as an audiobook and as an expanded-text E-book for Nook, Kindle and other reading devices.