
Audio Clips Download Latayne's interview with Chris Fabry, 2009 NRB Radio Talk Personality of the Year, as an MP3 file here. Why I Rewrote The Mormon Mirage – by Latayne C. Scott in MP3 format Video Clips — Be patient please:  They load...

Does God Change His Mind?

Our Bible study small group has struggled with the sense that God changed His mind in various situations in the Old Testament.  Here is the way I have tried to resolve the issue: DOES GOD CHANGE HIS MIND? Exodus 32:14, in speaking of how God did not bring about...

Reason #204: A response to an atheist’s question

Recently an intelligent and thoughtful ex-Mormon atheist asked a question. Briefly stated, he wanted to know why Christians would say a serial killer whose deathbed confession of Jesus could enter heaven, while a moral and decent atheist would go to hell. Here's how I...

Reason #162: The Mental Gymnastics of Anticipating Polygamy

As a young Mormon woman I believed that I should prepare myself for plural marriage (the mainstream LDS church does not practice earthly polygamy of course but does command its practice after death.) I believed I might be able to enjoy the exclusive attentions of my...