Reason #44: The Whitewashing of LDS History

Mormons are taught that abstinence from tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco is essential for entrance into the celestial kingdom. If this is true, Joseph Smith must be a candidate for the terrestrial or telestial kingdom because he repeatedly violated the Word of...

The Mormon Mirage: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today

Even I was impressed by The Mormon Mirage. Latayne Scott is a gifted writer with a thorough, first-hand knowledge of Mormonism. The book is filled not only with excellent information, but keen analysis. (But for more on the Book of Mormon, see my book:Understanding...

A Marriage Made in Heaven / Shout of the Bridegroom

“A beautifully-written book. Read it and you will fall in love with Christ and his church all over again.” –F. LaGard Smith, Christian Chronicle “It is well-written and will enhance understandings of biblical accounts and procedures. It is not an...

Writing “to Brand”

In a couple of weeks on NovelMatters  (a website where I and other Christian novelists share insights) I will be introducing a discussion on branding — the concept of making oneself unique and identifiable because of his or writing style, genre, or subject...

New Amazon Editorial Review of The Mormon Mirage

Even though it is only available as pre-order (as is Latter-day Cipher), Amazon has this editorial review of The Mormon Mirage : Product Description Three decades after leaving the Mormon faith, Latayne Colvett Scott looks back to her original journey out of Mormonism...