Reason #194: Because I get to answer snarky letters

Here's a recent letter to me via this site: Another one bites the dust, ha ha.  🙂  Anyhow, I think it\'s sad that you allowed Dan\'s love for you to also infect your faith.  I didn\'t see anything new here or in your books — basically a rehash of...

Reason #164: The LDS Church is a Corporate Investment Entity

I recently read an article that quotes a former employee of the LDS Church who has insider information about how this corporation — which he says is no longer a church, and hasn't been for a long time — spends its billions of tax-free dollars. As a...

A Wonderful Letter from a Reader

I recently received (and responded to, as you will see below) the following letter. At the letter writer's request I have changed the names: Thank you so much Latayne. I live in (place withheld) and a friend down the street from me  and I were in conversation and she...

Windshield Wiper Forgiveness

In the time of the apostle John, people who became Christians after living under the laws of the Old Testament were faced with an incredible amount of freedom. No more animal sacrifices. No more temple ceremonies and finding out what type of sin you'd committed and...

No, I’m married to the same man for 35 years

A recently-published book had a wonderful quote from me in it on page 16, In Coming to Terms With Jesus Christ: Athletes, Celebrities and Everyday People's Theology and Testimony About Reconciliation With God, by author and research analyst Gregory S. Spaulding.  My...