Reason #50: The Book of Mormon and Polygamy

  Probably one of the hottest areas of controversy rages around the Book of Mormon”‘s teachings on polygamy. Those unfamiliar with the teachings of this book might be surprised to learn that polygamy was flatly condemned in the book of Jacob. Jacob...

Raid on the Polygamous FLDS Compound

I have been called by a counselor who is dealing with some of the young women who were evacuated from the west Texas compound founded by convicted polygamist Warran Jeffs. Here are some observations regarding that group. I was a faithful member of the Church of Jesus...

The Seventeen Steps to Getting a Christian Book Published

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash I don't do much author mentoring, because I have learned a painful truth: The vast majority of people who say they want to write a book for publication are not willing to submit to 1) the discipline of learning to write...

Ezekiel Study Resumes

I am back from my trip, in which I was able to accomplish quite a bit of writing and thinking.Here is the continuation of the study of Ezekiel: The Creation of a Man as a Symbol.If you would like to see the beginning of this study, continue to scroll down until you...

Competence: Mary and Martha

COMPETENCE AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MEASUREMENT IN THE STORY OF MARY AND MARTHA Copyright  Latayne C. Scott The issue of competence is one that plagues Christians; and the knotty problem of what is proper for a Christian to measure and assess troubles us too. First...