Interesting week!

I apologize for not posting last week.  I taught a “World View, World Religions and Cults” class at Trinity Southwest University last week.  Nowhere else in the world can you get this subject matter taught by an ex-cultist who is a representational...

Reason #160: LDS attitudes toward non-supportive books

When I was a Mormon at BYU, someone left a pamphlet printed by Jerald and Sandra Tanner on the doorstep of my off-campus apartment. I wanted to read it, but a roommate told me that it was just hateful lies, printed by a couple who had been excommunicated and wanted to...

Reason #124: Emotional Impact of Discovery

When I spoke last fall at the Ex-Mormon Foundation's annual conference, I compared the shock of discovery that Mormonism was composed of lies to pornography.  (Though that was not the theme of my speech, you can see the entire video: Out of the Mormon Mirage here.)...

Latayne Plant

The government of Singapore has a picture of a plant named Latayne. . . .

Cult Fiction reviews

I have a rather extensive list of novels that deal with Mormonism, beginning with A Study in Scarlet (a Sherlock Holmes mystery) and Riders of the Purple Sage, by Zane Grey. (Admittedly, many 19th century novels are more caricature than description.) Since the list is...