Reason #198: Simon Southerton’s Treatment as a Doubting Mormon

Many people suppose that leaving Mormonism is at first a liberating experience, throwing off the shackles of error, going into the light of truth. But it didn't feel that way to me, and apparently it doesn't feel that way to a lot of thinking Mormons who struggle with...

Male – Female Leadership Roles

A college student who heard me speak recently in Texas wrote a kind letter asking me about my thinking on male/female leadership in the Churches of Christ.  There are many reasons I attend a church in which women do not take an active leadership role, but here's one...

Reason #82: Mormon Myths of Bible Textual Transmission

As I have studied textual criticism at the graduate level and have investigated for myself some of the documents from which the New Testament was translated, I am awed at how God has protected His Word. However, when I was in LDS seminary, teachers compared textual...

Reason #63: Male-Female Dualism in the LDS Deity

LDS controversies over the last few decades regarding gender have centered in three areas: the idea of a heavenly Mother (or Mothers), women”‘s role in the LDS Church, and same-sex issues. LDS author Linda P. Wilcox, in her essay, “The Mormon Concept...

Another Site that recently referenced my work

Here's another site with a recent mention of my writing: This guy really seems to have a lot on the ball — and has the same interests as my son in law, Noel.  Must be a great...