God’s timing

I'm often surprised (but shouldn't be) at how God uses the conjunction of events to encourage me.  As many of you have noticed, I haven't posted much in the last month or so.  That's because I was finishing up the final, 500-page manuscript of The Mormon Mirage.  And,...

Reason #187: Because of Joseph Smith’s Formal Education

Mormons often point to the length of the Book of Mormon and claim that no man could have written it without God's help. In particular, they say that Joseph Smith's lack of formal education meant he couldn't write such a book. There are several reasons why this is not...

Two New Blogs

I've been gratified by the response of so many of you regarding this blog. I want to continue to provide “inciteful” topics and Bible study materials here. However, I've added two new blogs to this site. The first one, “Cult Fiction,” will meet...

Mormon Fundamentalism

If you're confused about the roots and development of Mormon fundamentalism (the churches who regard themselves as true followers of Joseph Smith and who practice polygamy), there's a helpful chart at mormonfundamentalism.com. Also, if you're interested in...

Review of Wives and Sisters

Wives and Sisters By Natalie Collins St. Martin's Paperbacks (March 7, 2006) Review by Jana L. Perskie Allison Jensen, the principal character in “Wives And Sisters,” was raised in a Mormon household by parents who strictly adhered to the precepts of their...