Reason #108: Mormonism often Leads to Agnosticism or Atheism

A recent Pew Forum study confirmed something I have suspected as I look at Internet activity (blogs, message boards, etc.) of ex-Mormons. “Of those who leave Mormonism after being raised in the faith, half (15% of those raised Mormon overall) convert to a new...

Another Ezekiel Symbol

We are nearing the end of this study of Ezekiel. I pray it has been “inciteful” to you. Ninth Symbol: The Luggage of ExileIn this symbol in chapter 12, we see that the people are completely blinded to their own present condition, so Ezekiel is compelled to...

Ezekiel –Fourth Movement

The Ezekiel study continues here. If you are viewing this blog for the first time, this is the continuation of a series. By scrolling down, you can find the beginning of it. Fourth Movement: the Apportioner of PunishmentIn this last specific symbol, Ezekiel is asked...

First Symbol in Ezekiel (Series Continues)

Symbol Making and GeneralizationsThe creation of Ezekiel as a symbol through individual images and generalizations derived thereofGeneralizations are listed in bulleted form. Those sections enclosed by brackets [ ..] are observations but not derivable as...

Reason #42: from Susan Storm Smith

Here are a couple of reasons why I would not return to being a Mormon. 1) The whole Temple and Endowment process and the truth behind it is one of the factors why I would not return to being a Mormon. My maternal side of the family were Masons and Eastern Star Royalty...