A Response to the Previous Post

Trevor, you have brought up some very interesting points.  I agree wholeheartedly that the quote on the Trinity that you included in your post is gobbledegook to most people.  I have a Ph D. in Biblical Studies and can hardly navigate through what was being said. ...

Writing Acronyms

Writers have their own set of abbreviations (especially in this age of Twitter — find me there under “Latayne.”) The power of language!  Ever since I first heard “BIC” (Butt In Chair), it has reminded me that manuscripts don't get written...

An Open Letter to Mitt Romney, Respectfully Submitted

Before I print the text of the letter I have written to Mitt Romney, I want to lay out the situation.  The problem is that conservatives want to support a conservative presidential nominee. But they are distrustful of someone who practices a religion which has in the...

Ah, Sweet Fame, You are so Fleeting!

What a terrific weekend this was for me! I awakened Saturday morning to the news that my new novel, Latter-day Cipher, had hit the 8,000 ranking on Amazon.com.  Wow!  For a Christian book from a new novelist, God really did a wonder.  In addition, it was #15 on...

Reason #166: Because of Letters Like This

I sometimes get letters like this. They do indeed cause me to pause and re-evaluate my reasons for writing what I do, and reasons why I won't return to the LDS Church, in spite of the joyful experiences I had there. Here's the letter, and my reply. Mrs. Scott, I...