Writing “to Brand”

In a couple of weeks on NovelMatters  (a website where I and other Christian novelists share insights) I will be introducing a discussion on branding — the concept of making oneself unique and identifiable because of his or writing style, genre, or subject...

One Call. You.

You can make an enormous difference about Coronavirus with one phone call. You’ve been stocking up on non-perishable food, paper products, and disinfecting supplies? Good for you. Biblical. Wise. Look at this chart and read this article and see where your risk factor...

Reason #62: LDS Members Believe God the Father Was Once a Sinner

I ran across this video and it blew my mind. Portions of it were filmed at the April 2009 General Conference of the LDS Church. GodNeverSinned.com from Aaron Shafovaloff on Vimeo.   For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition:  A Former...


Newly-released books: The Hinge of Your History: The Phases of Faith is available here, or on Amazon.com. Latter-day Cipher (Moody) and The Mormon Mirage: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today are available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christian Book...


Why We Left Mormonism / Ex-Mormons: Why We Left Latayne Colvett Scott has made an important and innovative contribution with Ex-Mormons: Why We Left . . . Numerous flashes of insight reveal Mormons as flesh-and-blood humans — not the cardboard-cutout cultists who...