A New Review

On the HBO Web site, under one of its discussion boards dealing with its series, “Big Love,” a person previously unknown to me, Jean Joseph, did an articulate and detailed review of one of my books.  Here is the review (also posted under the...

The Developing Dangerous Situation: A Lesson from Dr. Mike Strawn

The Developing Dangerous Situation Recently I received my first copy of a monthly bulletin from the GBS-CIDP organization. It provides support for those who suffer from Guillain Barre Syndrome (in all its variants) and its ongoing sister-disease, Chronic Inflammatory...

Is there a Universal Grammar of God?

Where does my heart beat much of the time? In my family, in my writing, and in my Bible study and Representational Research. This last area basically involves the triadic structure of the Godhead, of reality (the part you see, the part you don’t see, and the links...

Reason #142– One Eternal Roundabout God

A Confusing Deity Everything about the Mormon godhead is a confused mess if you accept all the supposedly-inspired teachings of LDS leaders. Brigham Young said that God was Adam.[i] Adam, according to LDS theology, was Michael in the pre-existence.[ii] Michael was the...

Reason #163: Because of the Joseph Smith Papers

Did you know that all of the published images (and transcripts) of the writings of Joseph Smith are now online in a searchable form? See what LDS scholars have access to — and know why so many of them study Mormonism's history — but no longer believe its...