Reason #14: Mormon Hit Lists

Anyone familiar with LDS history — not the sanitized version of Mormon Sunday School — knows that people who follow Joseph Smith (that includes members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ...

The Principle of Contravention

This is an excerpt from a lesson in a series, and “drills down” to some of the principles that we must adopt if we are to have the mind of Christ. Specifically, we must factor into our thinking the fact that, without our knowledge, God contravenes or...

Reason #200: Guest Post –“Like Chewing Plastic”

Research confirms that we return to toxic relationships an average of 4 times before we finally call it quits.  Why do many return when they know it’s unhealthy?  And why won’t I ever return to the LDS church? Ten years ago I never would have dreamed that I would be...

Lenten Thoughts

During this time of contemplating the sufferings of Christ during His last days, let us turn our attention once again to the touchpoint it provides for us, two thousand years later, as we partake of the emblems of His death.Then some began to spit at him; they...

Reason #137: The Nahom Controversy

Some LDs writers have said that a settlement in southern Arabia named NHM is the Nahom of the Book of Mormon. In Hebrew (and I'm just a student, not an expert), vowels are not written out in most cases. Thus NHM, whose root means “mourning” could be Naham...