Writing begins with Noticing

Writing begins, I think, with the art of noticing. One of my earliest memories is this: I am standing at the end of a peach orchard in Farmington, New Mexico, in which my parents have cleared spaces to make a trailer park. Many of the trailers sit on blocks because...

Reason #123: Eternal truth is…always true

About two months ago I sat at a restaurant with a college student who had grown up Mormon as she recounted to me her growing doubts about Mormonism. I shared that when I was an LDS college student, I also had to make some decisions about Mormonism. But things were...

Believers’ Verse — and win a book

I bemoan the fact that if, as often said, poetry is the “stepchild of the arts,”  then Christian poetry is the stepchild most readers would like to disown.  I don't blame them. But I still write poetry. Joseph and Nicodemus (John 19:38-39) What a...

Reason #122: Because LDS history has been continually whitewashed

When I was a Mormon, the first of Joseph Smith's dozens of wives, Emma, was portrayed as his only wife. Not only that, their relationship was always depicted as loyal and loving — though LDS scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants showed that Emma had difficulty...

Reason #121: LDS politicians still believe they’ll save the US

Although I agree that somebody needs to step in and save the US government, I don't believe that the LDS church is the one to do it. However, a candidate for the governorship of Idaho is holding meetings to discuss the LDS prophecy that the US Constitution will...