Reason #120: Rest in Peace, Oral Roberts? Maybe not…

A researcher has uncovered the LDS proxy baptism and other proxy records of televangelist Oral Roberts. Old news, you might say.  Mormons “dead dunk” famous deceased people all the time. The problem?  Oral Roberts passed away this week, December...

Book Review: The Mystery of the Cross

The Mystery of the Cross:  Bringing Ancient Christian Images to Life is a new book written by Judith Couchman (IVP.) This book is a treasure-trove of information, iconic representations, and insight.  It traces the history of the beloved symbol of Christianity from...

Reason #117: Getting Married to a Church

When I was a teenager in the Mormon Church, my MIA leader showed a film to all the girls about the importance of temple marriage.  It emphasized the superiority of temple marriage over civil or other-religious marriage.  If I recall correctly, one scene of the movie...