Response to a recent posting by a Mormon (part two)

When I came out of Mormonism, I left a system of thought that called the Father “God” and referred to Jesus as the Christ or as the Savior but never as God.  The Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost, as Mormons say) was never referred to as God. I see shades of this...

A Response to a Recent Posting by a Mormon

A recent posting  on “Reason #22” elicited a thoughtful response from a Mormon named Trevor.  Here is the first part of my response to him: Dear Trevor, I am very grateful to you for your reasoned and respectful way of responding to my post on the Mormon...

Look at some recent comments

I'm so happy that so many readers are posting comments.  There are some really insightful observations by John L. Carter, Greg Rice and Bruce MacArthur that have been posted recently.  Scroll down and look at the “comments” listing (in really light-colored...

New Radio Interview

I was interviewed recently by Steve Bonenger for his show on Business TalkRadio Network. Click here for a link to the brief interview. For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition:  A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today (Zondervan, 2009). Also...

Author Cloud

Do you know what an author cloud is?  A site called librarything allows readers to list the books they have on their bookshelves.  I'm listed here. Check it out.