Did you know that all of the published images (and transcripts) of the writings of Joseph Smith are now online in a searchable form? See what LDS scholars have access to — and know why so many of them study Mormonism's history — but no longer believe its...
As a young Mormon woman I believed that I should prepare myself for plural marriage (the mainstream LDS church does not practice earthly polygamy of course but does command its practice after death.) I believed I might be able to enjoy the exclusive attentions of my...
On an ex-Mormon discussion board recently, the question was posed: What was the tipping point that caused you to leave Mormonism? (I asked the same question, but called it a “point of departure” in my book, Why We Left Mormonism (Baker Book House.) One...
When I was a Mormon at BYU, someone left a pamphlet printed by Jerald and Sandra Tanner on the doorstep of my off-campus apartment. I wanted to read it, but a roommate told me that it was just hateful lies, printed by a couple who had been excommunicated and wanted to...