“The callow chestnut of Mormonism that says if you want to know about Fords, then you don't ask a Chevrolet dealer, and if you want to know about Mormonism, then don't ask a non-Mormon, is both wrong and lacks critical judgment. Groups like Consumer Reports...
Many unwary church-goers have become Mormons after accepting the lie told them by Mormons: that the Latter-day Saint Church is organized just like Christ”‘s church as described in Ephesians 4:11. Since this verse mentions apostles, prophets, and (in some...
I hear complaints all the time (most often from women) about the lack of depth and variety in Bible studies that are available for individual or group use. Take a look at Representational Resources. Here you'll find some new in-depth studies with graphics that will...
Zondervan tells me that they will release The Mormon Mirage, Third Edition: A Former Mormon Looks at the Church Today in April, 2009. April 1, 2009 is the publication date for The Latter-day Cipher, my first novel which will be published by Moody. I can't believe it...