Interview on Examiner

The Examiner recently interviewed me with the following questions: Q-How did you get started writing?A-Writing begins, I think, with the art of noticing. One of my earliest memories is this:I am standing at the end of a peach orchard in Farmington, New Mexico, in...

No Silent Reading

There have been many ground-breaking events in the history of Christian literature and its readers. Perhaps one of the most shocking events came about in about 400 AD when the famous St. Augustine walked in on Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, and found him doing...

Reason #131: Joseph Smith Could Cut and Paste

A reader recently sent me a section of an article that's being circulated among Mormons. Its premise is that the Book of Mormon reflects Semitic peculiarities. The original article is here. (Update: Apparently Sami Hanna left the LDS church and here is a retraction of...

Reason #130: Because I Won’t Ever Be that Fascinating

I was a faithful Mormon “girl” at BYU when Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin was the gold standard for Mormon young women. In the dorms we often talked about some of the ideals of this book. It had a lasting effect on me in several ways. 1) Even at...