Blog Tour!

Today, June 30, is an exciting day for me!  Twenty-seven blogs will be participating in a blog tour — in which they review and comment on my two new books.  Here's a list of participating blogs: The Mormon Mirage – Participating Blogs:...

Reason #57: The Nature of LDS Missionary Lessons

When I began missionary service for the Church in 1962, I was given a “plan for teaching the Gospel” to use in converting others to the Church.  This plan was usually referred to as “the discussions” and contained teaching...


Even if you didn’t win a prize from my Facebook party, you still are entitled to these free downloads: A Chart on Mormonism: A Chart on the Jehovah's Witnesses:...

A Study of Angels

An Application of the Correspondence and Connective Theories of Truth By Michael Strawn and Latayne C. Scott           The subject of angel activity on earth is a “hot issue” both in theological and secular circles.            One common misconception held...


Latayne's Story Latayne C. Scott, by the grace and mercy of God, is author of over two dozen published books and is the recipient of the Distinguished Christian Service Award by Pepperdine University for “Creative Christian Writing.” She has also won...