Reason #152: LDS teachings about the pre-existence of men and women

The Pre-existence Thus LDS doctrine says each person was a fully functioning, born entity long before his mortal birth. In an attempt to find Bible justification for this point of view, Mormons quote Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and...

What I Write and Why I Write It

I have been active on the HBO Big Love message boards recently, and one person who identified himself as a Mormon asked why I wrote the books I have written. I”‘m pretty sure that what he was getting at was an explanation for the books I”‘ve...

More About Latayne

AuthorLatayne C. Scott I write because I was called to do so, and equipped to do so; thus my gifts are second-hand. Golda Meir was right, and I’m too old for false modesty.Yes, awards. Yes, 150,000 copies of books in print that people have paid for. I, on the other...

Free Copies of The Mormon Mirage and Latter-day Cipher to Bloggers

Though the contest on this site to give away free books has closed, there are still ways for people to get free copies. For instance, visit on June 9, 2009 for a chance to win a free autographed copy of my book Latter-day Cipher. Check out...