Reason #54: The LDS Depreciation of Bible Translation

  Second Nephi 29:3 mocks the trust of the Bible believer by having him say mindlessly, “A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible,” with the Lord responding by calling such a man a “fool” (v. 6). Actually,...

Reason #53: The warfare in the Book of Mormon

  The Book of Mormon raises questions when we examine its accounts of warfare. Where is evidence of the great mounds of weapons, the steel-smelting operations necessary for their production, and the warfare technologies described in this book?  LDS...

Reason #52: LDS Sources Enlist Unwilling “Advocates”

When I was a Mormon, I and other people told prospective Mormons that the Smithsonian Institute believed and supported Book of Mormon archaeology.  Of course that venerable organization did no such thing, and became so deluged with requests that they routinely...

What I Write and Why I Write It

I have been active on the HBO Big Love message boards recently, and one person who identified himself as a Mormon asked why I wrote the books I have written. I”‘m pretty sure that what he was getting at was an explanation for the books I”‘ve...

Blogging, Big Love and “Big Talk”

What an unusual week for me.  Last Sunday night the HBO series Big Love depicted for the first time in major media a scene from the secret Mormon temple endowment.  It was tastefully done and apparently not completely gratuitious (plot-wise.) It provided an...