LDS Church Faces Gays

Over 27,000 letters were delivered to the LDS Church Headquarters this week, all protesting the LDS Church's support of the ban on gay marriages in California. As a former Mormon and more-than-disinterested observer, I am watching this process closely. In the past,...

Two books on Mormonism being typeset

An update on my books:  The Mormon Mirage is  completely copyedited at Zondervan, and   Latter-day Cipher at Moody.  If you are a reviewer and want a copy, please email me through this site!       \

Reason #24: Why I Won’t Return to Mormonism–Karl Butcher

  Karl Butcher was “born into” the LDS church, and served a mission.  However, he left it and here explains why: Why do I not want to go back to the Mormon church? Criticism isn't accepted there. If your priesthood leader does something wrong, you...

Mormon Mirage Final Keyline

Wow!  Here is the final keyline (front, spine, back) for The Mormon Mirage.  It makes me want to read it.  What do you think?