Those horrible Puritans?

A recent column  by prominent LDS writer Orson Scott Card (known best by us non-Mormons as an outstanding sci-fi writer) identifies “feminism, environmentalism, gay activism and militant atheism” as having enormous influence on our culture.  While most...

Reason #47: The Monitoring of Church Members and Ex-Members

   The LDS Church once instituted an organization ““ more of a practice, really ““ called the “Strengthening the Church Members Committee” which it publicly billed as a newspaper clipping service[ii] but which in reality was a spy...

Koinonia Blog

I'm preparing a series of blog posts requested by Zondervan's Academic Blog, Koinonia which will appear in about a month.  I'm very honored to be writing a week's worth of posts.  I am also excited to be able to give academics a fresh way of looking at Mormonism...

Reason #42: from Susan Storm Smith

Here are a couple of reasons why I would not return to being a Mormon. 1) The whole Temple and Endowment process and the truth behind it is one of the factors why I would not return to being a Mormon. My maternal side of the family were Masons and Eastern Star Royalty...