Reason #40: Joseph Smith’s Failed “Miracles”

  False Prophecies and Failed Abilities of Joseph Smith: While at Kirtland Ohio, Joseph made a prophecy that is unfamiliar to most Mormons. Just before the first general church conference, he predicted that “not three days should pass away before some...

Reason #35: The Gold Plates Never Existed

  One LDS author, Dan Vogel in American Apocrypha:Essays on the Book of Mormon stated:  “Given the fact that the three witnesses saw a vision and that the experience of the eight witnesses seems to have been similarly visionary, there is no compelling...

Iron Sharpens Iron Broadcast

Last week I was interviewed on WNYG in New York on the “Iron Sharpens Iron” broadcast. One of the most significant elements of my upcoming book, The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition:  A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church (Zondervan 2009) is a section...