Reason #47: The Monitoring of Church Members and Ex-Members

   The LDS Church once instituted an organization ““ more of a practice, really ““ called the “Strengthening the Church Members Committee” which it publicly billed as a newspaper clipping service[ii] but which in reality was a spy...

Reason #45: Joseph Smith’s Boasting about Languages

  On one occasion Joseph Smith Jr., the founder of the LDS religion,  quoted from seventeen different languages (not always accurately). At another time he claimed, “I know more than all the world put together” and went on to discuss the meaning...

Reason #44: The Whitewashing of LDS History

Mormons are taught that abstinence from tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco is essential for entrance into the celestial kingdom. If this is true, Joseph Smith must be a candidate for the terrestrial or telestial kingdom because he repeatedly violated the Word of...

Reason #41: The Sheer Number of Joseph Smith’s False Prophecies

  Because of the Sheer Number of Joseph Smith”‘s False Prophecies: False prophecy became a habit for Joseph Smith. Most estimates of the number of recorded false prophecies that Smith made range from 50 to 60. Edmond C. Gruss and Lane A. Thuet in What...