Reason #52: LDS Sources Enlist Unwilling “Advocates”

When I was a Mormon, I and other people told prospective Mormons that the Smithsonian Institute believed and supported Book of Mormon archaeology.  Of course that venerable organization did no such thing, and became so deluged with requests that they routinely...

What I Write and Why I Write It

I have been active on the HBO Big Love message boards recently, and one person who identified himself as a Mormon asked why I wrote the books I have written. I”‘m pretty sure that what he was getting at was an explanation for the books I”‘ve...

Reason #50: The Book of Mormon and Polygamy

  Probably one of the hottest areas of controversy rages around the Book of Mormon”‘s teachings on polygamy. Those unfamiliar with the teachings of this book might be surprised to learn that polygamy was flatly condemned in the book of Jacob. Jacob...

Reason #48: The Love of God (from Susan Storm Smith)

  FROM SUSAN STORM SMITH:    As I was in Bible study this morning, the most beautiful thought came to me in relationship to the subject of why I would not return to being a Mormon. As a Mormon, the focus is on works and good deeds. Its about...

Those horrible Puritans?

A recent column  by prominent LDS writer Orson Scott Card (known best by us non-Mormons as an outstanding sci-fi writer) identifies “feminism, environmentalism, gay activism and militant atheism” as having enormous influence on our culture.  While most...