I ran across this video and it blew my mind. Portions of it were filmed at the April 2009 General Conference of the LDS Church. GodNeverSinned.com from Aaron Shafovaloff on Vimeo. For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition: A Former...
I am humbled and honored by the first review of The Mormon Mirage, as posted on Barnes & Noble: The Mormon Mirage Clears the Air by Thresholds Reader Rating: See Detailed Ratings March 28, 2009: When I began The Mormon Mirage by Latayne Scott I had very little...
One of the reasons I am beginning to write fiction is perhaps what government officials might call “plausible deniability.” (smile). In non-fiction, even if it is written only third-person, the very inclusion of ideas means that you are giving them some...
Second Nephi 29:3 mocks the trust of the Bible believer by having him say mindlessly, “A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible,” with the Lord responding by calling such a man a “fool” (v. 6). Actually,...
The Book of Mormon raises questions when we examine its accounts of warfare. Where is evidence of the great mounds of weapons, the steel-smelting operations necessary for their production, and the warfare technologies described in this book? LDS...