Reason #11: from Janis Hutchinson

Janis Hutchinson was a Mormon for 34 years, during which time she served two local missions. She is the author of Out of the Cults and Into the Church and The Mormon Missionaries — two excellent books and an informative Web site: Janis...

About Those Pink Hats– A Christian Woman’s Reaction

After I saw all those pink hats, and found out what they meant, I did what I never thought I'd do. I decided– and announced publicly– that I was going to start wearing a head covering while praying or speaking publicly at church. From most ancient of...

Free Copies of The Mormon Mirage and Latter-day Cipher to Bloggers

Though the contest on this site to give away free books has closed, there are still ways for people to get free copies. For instance, visit on June 9, 2009 for a chance to win a free autographed copy of my book Latter-day Cipher. Check out...

New Amazon Editorial Review of The Mormon Mirage

Even though it is only available as pre-order (as is Latter-day Cipher), Amazon has this editorial review of The Mormon Mirage : Product Description Three decades after leaving the Mormon faith, Latayne Colvett Scott looks back to her original journey out of Mormonism...