The Mormon Mirage (1979, 1984 editions)

A compelling book”with a sensitive and realistic eye. — (Rocky Mountain Christian) This one’s must-reading for anyone with a heart for reaching into the Mormon Church with the Gospel of Christ –(WBRG radio, Lynchburg, VA) It will help the average Christian understand...

Reason #78: How the LDS Church Advises Members to Treat Critique

Published criticism of Mormon doctrine and practices (so-called “anti-Mormon literature”) has been a thorn in the side of the Mormon Church for decades. For many years the official stance of the LDS Church was simply to ignore pamphlets and books but in the 1990’s...

Reason #181: Sanitized Documents

Recently a reader of The Mormon Mirage was engaged in an online discussion with Mormons. Under discussion was a “cleaned-up” version of some of the last hours of Joseph Smith. In the present edition, it reads: Dr. Richards was taken sick, when Joseph said,...

Article in Prodigal Magazine

Recently Andrew Rogers wrote the following article about me in Prodigal Magazine. It was also published in at least one secular print magazine. From Mormon to Christian author: Latayne C. Scott Thu, May 14, 2009 Reviews...