The Red Cord of Hope

Before  the silver cord is broken, you absolutely must read again the moving story of Rahab's red cord of faith.  Unlike the stealthy descent of the spies whose lives she saved, this time around Rahab's cord will not let you down, but lift you up to exhilarating new...

Why We Left Mormonism / Ex-Momons: Why We Left

Latayne Colvett Scott has made an important and innovative contribution with Ex-Mormons: Why We Left . . . Numerous flashes of insight reveal Mormons as flesh-and-blood humans — not the cardboard-cutout cultists who exist in the minds of many Christians. The...

Why We Left Mormonism / Ex-Mormons: Why We Left

Latayne Colvett Scott has made an important and innovative contribution with Ex-Mormons: Why We Left . . . Numerous flashes of insight reveal Mormons as flesh-and-blood humans — not the cardboard-cutout cultists who exist in the minds of many Christians. The book...

Comments on this Ezekiel study

It gratifies me that so many people are responding to the Ezekiel study. I have a distant cousin, whom I've never met, who posted about the Ezekiel study and my work as a whole on his blog, — here are some of his comments.

A Marriage Made in Heaven / Shout of the Bridegroom

“A beautifully-written book. Read it and you will fall in love with Christ and his church all over again.” –F. LaGard Smith, Christian Chronicle “It is well-written and will enhance understandings of biblical accounts and procedures. It is not an...