Another Site that recently referenced my work

Here's another site with a recent mention of my writing: This guy really seems to have a lot on the ball — and has the same interests as my son in law, Noel.  Must be a great...

Another post from a Mormon

I regret the fact that these blogs are clumsy — it's not possible to respond directly to someone's post in a way that all visitors to the site are directed to the response.  An LDS apologist has respectfully brought up some issues that I'd really like to...

Reason # 174: That Alphabet and Grammar

( This is an image of Joseph Smith's “Alphabet and Grammar,” containing most of the text of the Pearl of Great Price's Book of Abraham 1:13-17. The arrows point to symbols found on the papyri from which Smith supposedly translated the PofGP. The...

Reason #1: Mormon Leaders Inconsistent

It's another thing to spend 35 years asking myself if I did the right thing in leaving a church, and a system of thought, that I absolutely loved. This blog will give a year's worth of reasons why I choose not to return. REASON # 1: The LDS Church has lost its nerve....


Why We Left Mormonism / Ex-Mormons: Why We Left Latayne Colvett Scott has made an important and innovative contribution with Ex-Mormons: Why We Left . . . Numerous flashes of insight reveal Mormons as flesh-and-blood humans — not the cardboard-cutout cultists who...