The Red Cord of Hope

Before  the silver cord is broken, you absolutely must read again the moving story of Rahab's red cord of faith.  Unlike the stealthy descent of the spies whose lives she saved, this time around Rahab's cord will not let you down, but lift you up to exhilarating new...

The Red Cord of Hope

Before the silver cord is broken, you absolutely must read again the moving story of Rahab’s red cord of faith. Unlike the stealthy descent of the spies whose lives she saved, this time around Rahab’s cord will not let you down, but lift you up to exhilarating new...

Mitt’s Mormonism

Update, October 2016: I had begun to think, given the “choices” of the 2016 political race, that perhaps I'd been too hard on Romney.  Then a leaked video from a session of LDS apostles  (see below, under “Resources for Further Study) reminded me of...

Ezekiel Study Continues

This is a continuation of the study, “Ezekiel: Creation of a Man as a Symbol.”If you'd like to “catch up,” scroll down to where the study begins several weeks ago on the blog. Second Movement: the Recumbent Sin BearerIn this symbol, Ezekiel is...

Next to the last post on Ezekiel

Our study of Ezekiel draws to the end with this set of generalizations about the role of Ezekiel as a symbol. Tenth Symbol: The Quaking EaterAlso in chapter 12 is another symbol to demonstrate in the person of Ezekiel a further manifestation of the coming horrors....