Reason #136: God was once a man; man can become a god

Quotes from Current LDS Manuals on Nature of God Christians have long opposed the LDS teaching about the nature of God and man. The Bible consistently affirms that there is only one God, who has always existed as God. Yet Joseph Smith instituted the doctrine that God...

A Study of Angels

An Application of the Correspondence and Connective Theories of Truth By Michael Strawn and Latayne C. Scott           The subject of angel activity on earth is a “hot issue” both in theological and secular circles.            One common misconception held...

Ezekiel Study Concludes

Thanks to all you who have expressed appreciation for this study. It concludes with today's post.Thirteenth Symbol: The Road Marker In chapter 21, Ezekiel is asked to illustrate how it is that even false prophecy and divination can be used by God to bring about His...

Review of White Flag

Here are two reviews of Wayne Capurro's account of the Mountain Meadows Massacre (both reprinted from Capurro's own website, –Book Review from Clarion/Foreward Magazine by Todd MercerWhite Flag: America”‘s First 9/11Wayne Atilio...

Coming soon: Free Books

Coming soon: Free Books Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced...