Chiasmus in my Current Novel

For literary geeks only: This is a chapter from the novel I am currently writing. Β It includes an ancient literary technique called chiasmus. The structure begins with, “I will tell you what helped me,” and the middle or turning point is “For a...

Reason #66: LDS Historical Revisionism

The LDS Church announced recently the appointment of Joseph Sitati as the first black AFRICAN LDS general authority. Previously there was a black American who was a GA; and if LDS historical accounts are accurate, a previous black leader, Elijah Able, in the time of...

What I Write and Why I Write It

I have been active on the HBO Big Love message boards recently, and one person who identified himself as a Mormon asked why I wrote the books I have written. I”‘m pretty sure that what he was getting at was an explanation for the books I”‘ve...

Ezekiel study continued

Today's entry is a continuation of the Ezekiel study. It will deal in upcoming entries with detailed generalizations from each of the symbols in it. May it bless you.Some observations about Ezekiel himself It is assumed that he was not of the poorer classes since...