How would you advise this young woman?

Here's another letter I just received from a reader of this blog. It's reprinted below with her permission. How would you advise her? Hi, Mrs. Latayne Scott, Although I've never been a part of the Mormon Church, I've had various experiences through family and friends....

Reason #116: Testimony Sleight of Hand?

At the most recent LDS conference, LDS leader Jeffry R. Holland held up a copy of what he claimed was the actual Book of Mormon that was read by Joseph and Hyrum Smith the day they died in a jail cell in Carthage, MO (related in D&C 135:4- 5.) Mormons would like to...

The Life of Writers — Giveaways, Cool Stuff

 I know that many  readers are hungry for high-quality Christian fiction. Several of us who are trying to “raise the bar” in that area have a new blog, featuring six Christian novelists (including myself.) It's called “Novel Matters,” and it...

Response to a recent posting by a Mormon (part two)

When I came out of Mormonism, I left a system of thought that called the Father “God” and referred to Jesus as the Christ or as the Savior but never as God.  The Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost, as Mormons say) was never referred to as God. I see shades of this...

Reason #16: Janis Hutchinson talks about prophets

From Janis Hutchinson: Another good reason for not returning to the Mormon Church, is the church's insistence that for a church to be God's, it has to have a head prophet. Because they do, along with twelve apostles, this is supposed to prove the divine approval of...