Reason #179: The Testimony of Olavo dos Santos Martins

Recently I sent out a request for guest bloggers to supply new “Reasons” for this blog, and Olavo dos Santos Martins sent the following. I am happy to share this testimony with you. I got to have my first contact with the church through his missionaries in...

Reason #178: Growing Acknowledgment of the Role of Secrecy

Recently The Wall Street Journal ran a short article about the way that a religious group becomes a cult. Here's a quote: The first is behavior control, i.e., monitoring of where you go and what you do. The second is information control, such as discouraging members...

Reason #177: No Hun Horses, therefore Book of Mormon Horses?

LDS apologist Michael R. Ash has a very interesting argument about why there are no remains of horses found in the Americas which can be dated to the Book of Mormon “historical” time period. Ash says (complete comments here): In the 4th & 5th centuries AD,...

How would you advise this young woman?

Here's another letter I just received from a reader of this blog. It's reprinted below with her permission. How would you advise her? Hi, Mrs. Latayne Scott, Although I've never been a part of the Mormon Church, I've had various experiences through family and friends....

Letter from reader Jolene Barrios

Even though The Mormon Mirage was re-released two years ago, I get encouraging letters from readers often. Here's a recent one: Hi.  I just finished reading your book, The Mormon Mirage.  My parents, my siblings, my in-laws etc. are all Mormon, and have been since the...