Zondervan and Harper-Collins have provided an easy way for you to browse inside my book, The Mormon Mirage: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today (Zondervan, 2009.) Just click on this image. Or order an autographed copy here: The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition:...
A new book just published by Zondervan, entitled Busted: Exposing Popular Myths about Christianity, has one of the best explanations, in simple language, I've ever seen of Biblical textual transmission. Look what author Fred von Kamacke has to say:...
I recently became aware of a massive new book that has carefully documented some possible sources for scenes from the Book of Mormon. Of particular interest is the dream of Nephi with its rod of iron and other features. What follows is a book review by...
Recently Sunstone, an independent Mormon studies magazine, announced its Mapping Mormon Issues Project, which aims to make available in multiple formats (including online) scholarship on controversial subjects. It lists topics such as polygamy, blacks and the...
Traditional Masonic symbols are rampant in older LDS temples. Representations of beehives, heavenly bodies, clasped hands, the All Seeing Eye, the square, the compass, and cloud-painted ceilings are abundant in 19th-century Utah temples.[1] Many Masonic symbols which...
Any Mason who reads even such an abbreviated account of the temple ceremony as I have outlined in The Mormon Mirage will be amazed at the similarities between temple ordinances and Masonic lodge ordinances. Joseph Smith claimed that he got much of the substance of the...