Even though The Mormon Mirage was re-released two years ago, I get encouraging letters from readers often. Here's a recent one:
Hi. I just finished reading your book, The Mormon Mirage. My parents, my siblings, my in-laws etc. are all Mormon, and have been since the late 1970's, when the missionaries came knocking on our door. I am the only only that didn't buy in to the stories. All of my brothers married Mormon women and had Mormon kids. I have always been the outsider and have felt alone. I married and have 3 kids and 3 grandkids, outside of Mormonism. I just want to thank you for writing this book. I now have a renewed strength in the knowledge that I am o.k, and not less than the rest of my Mormon family. I have not felt this way since I cannot remember when. I am ready to tackle life and win! Thank you. —Jolene Barrios
I am grateful for letters like this one!