Christ, Come Softly; A Christmas Poem

(acrostic poem) Christ, come softly: the uneven way Has been prepared. Though angels Rampant crowd the skies, each one In his own way praising Thee– Softly, Softly come. Through tribulation and joy, This night whispers hope. (In exultation, my heart's own voice...


The glitter on the creche Seduces me from how inglorious His comings and goings were. His feet filthy from offal paths until someone thought to wash them, His hands unwashed, as the Pharisees noted. No beauty to behold except in a peek on a peak. Mostly, His sandal...

Where the Bad Men Are

Don’t take me to the place where the bad men are, she says. Take me somewhere else, she says beneath her shawl. No, he says, we won’t go there. Take me to our friends, our people, she says, her belly seizing now. Don’t take me to a place of strangers. No, he says, we...

Skin of my Teeth; A Short Story

Skin of my Teeth someone could have looked at him and said well of course    he has a curved scar across his head from where the metal of the rim of a wheel of a horse-drawn wagon ran over him when he was a child well of course he was in the war where...

The Seventeen Steps to Getting a Christian Book Published

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash I don't do much author mentoring, because I have learned a painful truth: The vast majority of people who say they want to write a book for publication are not willing to submit to 1) the discipline of learning to write...