Reason #189: A Breakthrough about the Eternal God

It's been 38 years since I left Mormonism. For the first time, today, I thanked God for being eternal, infinite and unmeasurable, by time or any other means. For the first time, I am emotionally grateful that God is not the god of Mormonism. Goodbye, little...

Reason #189: More about the Eternal God

A Christian friend of mine has an ongoing cyber-discussion with a Mormon. The Mormon recently sent him a chart he'd devised that supposedly contrasted Mormonism to Christianity. I was disheartened, because the Mormon wasn't honest. He wanted agreement, not definition....

Two new online articles praise The Mormon Mirage

The furor over a Dallas pastor calling Mormonism “a cult” has led to the release of two new online articles that have nice things to say about my book, The Mormon Mirage.  I'm particularly grateful to see that someone who doesn't know me personally...

When Death links us to Eternity — as a Book Does

My cousin had a remarkable experience this week as her elderly mother was dying. She left the room for a moment, and the hospice workers came running to get her.   “You have to see this,” they said, and led her back into the hospital room. There my frail aunt...