Blog Tour!

Today, June 30, is an exciting day for me!  Twenty-seven blogs will be participating in a blog tour — in which they review and comment on my two new books.  Here's a list of participating blogs: The Mormon Mirage – Participating Blogs:...

More About Latayne

AuthorLatayne C. Scott I write because I was called to do so, and equipped to do so; thus my gifts are second-hand. Golda Meir was right, and I’m too old for false modesty.Yes, awards. Yes, 150,000 copies of books in print that people have paid for. I, on the other...


Even if you didn’t win a prize from my Facebook party, you still are entitled to these free downloads: A Chart on Mormonism: A Chart on the Jehovah's Witnesses:...

Latter-day Cipher

From the surrealistically tranquil opening scene in which the reader scans the body of a killer’s first victim, to an explosive final chapter delivered with the rhythm of a quickened pulse, Latter Day Cipher is a masterwork of riveting story-craft and elegant prose....

NEW REVIEWS: Latter-day Cipher

Elegant and Chilling From the surrealistically tranquil opening scene in which the reader scans the body of a killer's first victim, to an explosive final chapter delivered with the rhythm of a quickened pulse, Latter Day Cipher is a masterwork of riveting story-craft...